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This analogy, the concept of ghd has produced a long time, and cloud the essence of TV not from the framework of GHD, to a great extent, is just a gimmick.Consumer electronic products information promotion commission secretary general of the LiJian expression more clear, GHD and the difference between the cloud TV manufacturers of publicity is side key differs only just, on the intelligent GHD speak application, emphasize the front application;Cloud on TV about the background technology.Both just performance characteristics, different way, both no clear boundaries.

This shows, hot ghd iv styler because alongside the cloud computing the big style, only one thing is certain, as cloud computing has one of the business model, and the clouds the birth of the popular TV accumulation, created a lot of business opportunities.But not least, the real cloud TV will is double-edged sword, the pros and cons of available.Now that use the GHD, it must consider security and privacy problem, in a complex network environment, the cloud TV will also meet hacker attacks, viruses, Trojan intrusion implant even user information leak of risk, this must get enough attention.

On the other hand, the clouds TV are controversial and proportional representation, largely due to the manufacturer to the concept of cloud excessive rendering, will cloud TV and ghd nz people apart.The data shows, in the users buy GHD, only 40% of the users really use the intelligence service, the other 60% of the users is concerned, the intelligence function as basic decoration.


