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When you buy ghd hair straighteners must be added to cold water, you should double check the sink, to ensure no leakage risk for GHD. Just bought a long time out of the air conditioning fan perfusion, before use of water, observe the water level to control the amount of water through the water standard.

Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission said in the first half of this year ghd nz sale 's in the full implementation of the ladder. In other words, the electricity in the future more, the price is more expensive, the cost of use of home appliances will also increase. So, once the ladder GHD implementation of consumers' lives is what the next change ? Insiders pointed out that in this case, the consumer awareness of energy conservation or re- improved energy-saving appliances sales pattern has changed.

"Now the majority of household electrical appliances, energy efficiency logo, than the previous power-saving and more." Recently, Hong Fu Road, a home appliance store sales staff told reporters that the increasingly large proportion of energy-saving ghd Most consumers in the purchase of home appliances look at energy-efficiency labeling.

