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According to the data, more than ghd 07 2nd quarter sales companies and brands such as LG Electronics, becoming North America's biggest manufacturers. Ask today's consumer electronics product development trends, thin non-words don't belong. Across several major fashion consumer products, from mobile phones to digital cameras, or from the monitor to the GHD, there followed the development trajectory from thick to thin.

Recently, some international home appliance brands are beginning to thin, he talked. Just, a Japan brand development, after three or five years is to launch the thinnest ghd nz production planning for take out. The first half of data also shows multiple household appliance industry in China, GHD can make it thin, has become one of the recent issues of most concern.

Look at the ever changing consumer product in the book of records, not only make people ask, ghd hair straighteners is the thinnest thin to a few cm do? GHD could make the thinnest in the world? The thinnest GHD really came into the home? By the brick-like mobile phone development to this day, GHD has begun selling claims to only 5.9 mm, thickness of the thinnest in the world of mobile phones.


