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From either the strength or distance, Lin Fei is undoubtedly the first choice. From either the strength or the distance said Lin Fei is undoubtedly the first choice, Mrs. Lin Palace has always been reclusive the Palace month at this time also happens to be accompanied toms outlet mother, so the palace crack state at this time, there are only Palace war days and Palace Yin few people know. See palace Yin questions, Lin Fei hand recovered from the palace crack wrist and looked seriously crack brother in vivo share a very powerful energy continues to damage toms shoes vitality, must as soon as possible of these shares of energy get rid of, or life worrying.

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See two out,toms shoes, Lin Fei smiled. Lin Fei's self-confidence is not without reason, although the palace crack the body of this energy is very large compared to the energy Palace bifida was even more severe and more, but in the forest before the fly is nothing. The most important thing is, Lin Fei feel this energy even with bright attributes breath, if not mistaken, wounded Palace crack must be bright holy people. Lin Fei just do not understand is that the three sons should be within the barracks, ah, how will meet bright holy church, but also a fight.

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